Perspectives on Portfolio Construction
As we attempt to educate children for an unknown future with an outdated education system created 300 years ago, creativity is more needed than ever. The idea of one correct answer doesn’t stand up in the real world, where the problems in need of solving are so much more complex. Educating with flexibility and openness creates the space to try new things, fostering innovation and original ideas, and ultimately preparing children for the future. This willingness to try anything, and to accept the possibility of failure, is the origin of creativity and innovation, and the beginning, arguably, of all meaningful learning experiences.
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Creativity is as important in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.
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If children are left to explore and learn on their own, it has been proven that they will and can learn as well as students in private schools with good teachers.
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As teachers, the question asked is how to help them achieve their potential.
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We can better prepare students for the future by being flexible and open - openness defines creativity.